Bridging Communities to Achieve the Great Transition

Planetary health is a transdisciplinary and solutions-oriented frame for understanding and addressing the greatest challenges of our time: the transformation and degradation of Earth's biodiversity and natural systems, and its interconnected impacts on human health and all life on our shared planet.
You can learn more about the scientific field, social movement, and transdisciplinary framework that is planetary health at the Planetary Health Alliance's website—planetaryhealthalliance.org—or by taking a FREE course on planetary health created by Saude Planetaria and hosted by Telessaude. The course is currently available in Portuguese and is being translated to English with the help of staff and volunteers from the PHA. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date on the January course launch!
Achieving a world and new development paradigm where all people thrive by protecting and regenerating Earth’s natural systems for generations to come will take all of us. It requires a comprehensive shift in human activities across all sectors of society, and in our relationships with Nature and with each other—what we call the Great Transition (attend the PHAM to learn more about the GT!)
The theme of the 4th Planetary Health Annual Meeting is Planetary health for all: Bridging communities to achieve the Great Transition. Each day of the meeting is grounded in a diverse theme and objective, which include: highlighting collective planetary health values; cross-pollinating planetary health knowledge, education, and technology; showcasing change-making science, stories, solutions, and communities; and building systemic solutions across economics, governance, and civil society. See the schedule here!
All are invited to this virtual convening of scientists, youth, policymakers, educators, private sector, artists, and more to learn about the complexities of planetary health science, find community, seek solutions, and build skills for action and change!
Like you, we believe that our care for the Earth shouldn't wane after Earth Day. That's why April 25-30, 2021 will mark the first-ever Planetary Health Week to sustain the global momentum cultivated during Earth Week and highlight the health impacts of global environmental change.
Additionally, going virtual has allowed us to expand programming across an entire week; this means shorter days with a more concentrated dose of planetary health (and a lower carbon footprint!). As the saying goes: "Go big or go home," and since we're already quarantined at home, we decided to go big and declare the last week of April Planetary Health Week forevermore ! PHW 2021 will also conclude with the launch of the São Paulo Declaration on Planetary Health—a call-to-action that we will co-create throughout the conference and festival.
So what events will happen during PHW? In addition to the PHAM's customary conference program featuring planetary health science, policy, and practice, this year's meeting will also include a PHW Festival to celebrate the expanded global reach of our first virtual PHAM. Diverse artistic and cultural planetary health perspectives will be showcased from around the world—from visual art and performance, to music and meditation. We also encourage individuals and communities to celebrate PHW by being extra mindful of their personal planetary health and impact on the Earth; which, drawing from the momentum and commitments of Earth Week, can ensure PHW is all about sustainable and lasting ways to incorporate planetary health into your lifestyle and community!
More on the festival coming soon! We can't wait to showcase our community's vibrant planetary health perspectives.
The 4th Planetary Health Annual Meeting (PHAM) is co-hosted by the Planetary Health Alliance and the University of São Paulo (USP) Brazil, which proudly marks the first PHAM held in the Global South. Intended to be held in-person at USP's campus, we have shifted to a virtual meeting in light of the coronavirus pandemic; the bright side of this shift to a virtual meeting, however, is that we expect to expand our audience tremendously, while lowering our environmental footprint.
Still co-hosted by USP, this meeting continues to be a close collaboration between the PHA and USP, along with a distinguished and diverse Programming Committee and Festival Committee, and will prominently feature Brazil and Latin America across the conference program, speakers, and technology platform.
We are carefully co-creating the 4th Planetary Health Annual Meeting (PHAM) to be a productive and exciting experience for both speakers and attendees. Technology is on our side, allowing us to virtually host thousands of attendees for live panels, keynotes, and interviews using an interactive virtual platform, along with virtual spaces for research presentations, sponsor and artists booths, networking, and more.
One of our core planetary health values is inclusivity—so this event is FREE and open to all! We encourage people from all walks of life to participate and hope to convene a large and diverse group of planetary health nerds (don't worry, you're not alone!) across disciplines, sectors, worldviews, geographies, and generations.
Registration is open now. Reserve your spot today!
There are also other unique ways to participate, including submitting a scientific research poster (some of which will be selected to present Lightning Talks during the conference or be featured by The Lancet Planetary Health); showcasing your art; or leading a satellite session aligned with the conference or festival programming. More to come on this front!
A special thank you to our committed sponsors: Wellcome Trust, Moore Foundation, Beyond Meat, The Lancet Planetary Health, PRP-USP, IEA-USP, NIC.br, Ripple, Poli-USP, Women Leaders for Planetary Health, and Alliance Santé Planétaire.